U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission rules require all brokerage firms to make publicly available quarterly reports describing their order routing practices. The report listed below is intended to describe how and where customer orders are routed when customers use IB's Best Execution Order Routing System (or Best ECN routing option) rather than directing their order to a particular market center.
View the Interactive Brokers Rule 606(a) Quarterly Broker-Dealer Order Routing Report Disclosure.
Please click on the link below to access the most recent Broker-Dealer Order Routing Report:
Pursuant to Part 7.8A of the Corporations Act 2001, Interactive Brokers Australia Pty. Ltd. has prepared the following target market determinations relating to certain financial products for which it is deemed to be the issuer. Our Target Market Determinations are located here: Target Market Determinations.
Product Disclosure Statements are also available for each of these products. If applicable, you should carefully consider these Disclosures in deciding whether to acquire, or to continue to hold, the relevant financial product.