Post Trade Allocations

Post-Trade Allocations

Post-Trade Allocations

Quickly allocate US stock, option and US corporate bond orders post-trade using Interactive Brokers’ intuitive Post-Trade Allocation tool.

The Post-Trade Allocation tool lists all the day's unallocated trades and provides customizable template-based functionality to easily allocate all or some of your trades to multiple pre-approved clearing brokers.

Post-trade allocations offers the following benefits:

  • Allocate, re-allocate and unallocate trades any time of day:
    • Up until 5:15 PM ET for equities
    • Up until 15 minutes after the allocation was made (or 5:15 PM ET, whichever comes first) for options
  • Import allocations using Excel-compatible .csv formatted files.
  • View and select average price trades by order, and combine multiple orders into a custom average price.
  • Allocate by percentage or share size.
  • Allocate manually, or create allocation templates customized for daily use.
  • Configure allocation settings, display preferences and broker settings.
Learn More

Pursuant to Part 7.8A of the Corporations Act 2001, Interactive Brokers Australia Pty. Ltd. has prepared the following target market determinations relating to certain financial products for which it is deemed to be the issuer. Our Target Market Determinations are located here: Target Market Determinations.

Product Disclosure Statements are also available for each of these products. If applicable, you should carefully consider these Disclosures in deciding whether to acquire, or to continue to hold, the relevant financial product.